قاعدة المعرفة
الاقسام والشُعب
الرسائل والاطاريح
قواعد البيانات
معرض الصور
معرض الفيديو
خدمات رقمية
نظام مسعى
صحة صدور الوثائق
سنة 2021
سنة 2021
27 Jul 2023
بحوث الماجستير
A Mobile Application to Analyze Crime in Specific Location (Iraq case study)
An Efficient Plate of Cars Recognition and Tracking Using Deep-Learning Technology
Building Final Year's Student Project Management System Based on Integrated Entropy-TOPSIS Methods: Case Study (Faculty of Business Informatics College)
Cheating Detection in Moodle Platform Exams Using Data Mining Techniques
Cloud-Based Intelligent System to Monitor COVID-19 Patients at Home Quarantine
Cloud-Based IoT Platform for Home Automation System
Content Based Image Retrieval System using Cloud Computing Technology
Design And Implement A Classifier for Micro Bubble Generators Based on Deep Learning Technique
Design and Implementation of Big Data Analysis System for Social Networks Using Hadoop
Design and Implementation of IoT based Heart Disease Classification System
Design and Implementation of Real-Time Indoor Air Quality System for Hospitals
Design and Implementation of Website for E-Learning
Design and Implementation Aplat form for Adaptive Online Learning Based on Fuzzy Logic
Developed Green Mobile Cloud Computing System for Data Compression
Expert System Diagnosis Application Using Forward Chaining
GIS-GPS Based Risky Fields Avoidance guided system
GIS-GPS Mobile Air Pollution Monitoring System
Improving the Prioritization Procedure of Patients with COVID-19 in Hospitals Based on Decision-Making Techniques
Information System for Support E-Government Based on Clustering Techniques
Mobile Multi Agent System for Diabetic Healthcare Application
Monitoring Classroom Attendance System Using Face Recognition
New Evaluation and Benchmarking Framework for Data Acquisition System Using FDOSM
Optimized Hiding Secret Data in Image Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Chaotic map
Performance Evaluation of Chordal Rings Wireless Network Based on Routing Protocols
Remotely Monitoring Model for Agriculture Applications Based on Internet of Things
Scientific Text Summary Using Deep Learning Approach
Secure Dams Information Management System in Iraq using Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm
Secure Health Care System Based of 3 Tier Model
Sign Language Recognition Model Based on Machine Learning Techniques
Smartphone-based System for Contact Tracing
Web of Things Data Security Based on Hybrid Gost-Speck algorithms in Health Care
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روابط سريعة
قواعد البيانات
بحوث الدكتوراه
بحوث الماجستير
اخر الاخبار
منشورات ذات الصلة
تفقد السيد رئيس الهيئة العراقية للحاسبات والمعلوماتية
27 Jul 2020
معهد المعلوماتية للدراسات العليا يحتفل باليوم العالمي للمرأه
10 Mar 2023
رئيس الهيئة العراقية للحاسبات والمعلوماتية يجري زيارة لمعهد المعلوماتية للدراسات العليا
10 Mar 2023
إعلان الى الطلبة المرقنة قيودهم في معهد المعلوماتية للدراسات العليا
23 Jul 2023
23 Jul 2023
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